Iranian Delegation Departs for Baku for Joint Economic Commission

Iranian Delegation Departs for Baku for Joint Economic Commission

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A high-ranking delegation from Iran has traveled to Baku to participate in the upcoming meeting of Iran-Azerbaijan joint economic commission, Kamaleddin Pirmoazen, a member of Iranian parliament’s Industries and Mines Commission, said Tuesday.

Speaking to the Tasnim News Agency, Pirmoazen said the Iranian delegation’s  visit to the Azeri capital is aimed at promoting relations between the two neighboring countries.

“During the visit, some mutual cooperation agreements will be made,” he stated.

The Iranian parliamentarian went on to say that President Hassan Rouhani’s administration has taken appropriate measures to reduce tensions with other countries and establish good relations with the neighboring states.

In April and during President Ilham Aliyev’s trip to Iran, high-ranking officials from the two countries signed three memoranda of understanding and a cooperation agreement.

Azerbaijan and Iran have had diplomatic relations since 1918. Iran recognized Azerbaijan's independence in 1991, and diplomatic relations between the two countries were established in 1992.

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