Russia Keen on Investing in Iran’s Mining Sector

Russia Keen on Investing in Iran’s Mining Sector

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Deputy Head of Iran’s Mines House Mohammad Reza Bahraman highlighted the Russian Federation’s interest in investing in Iran’s mines.

Bahraman told the Tasnim News Agency that Russian investors are keen to invest in the Islamic Republic’s mining sector.

He added that infrastructures and required frameworks should be prepared in order to develop mining cooperation with Moscow.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Bahraman stressed that state of the art technologies should be used in mine explorations in Iran for successful development of the country’s huge potentials in the mining sector.

According to international figures, Iran stands among the top 15 mineral rich countries in the world and ranks first in the Middle East.

So far many foreign companies in the field of mining equipment and machineries, exploration, extracting, processing and metallurgical industries have shown interest to enter Iran’s mineral market.

The country holds more than seven percent of the total mineral reserves of the globe. It lies on 37 billion tons of proven reserves and holds more than 57 billion tons of potential reserves of some 68 types of minerals.

The most important mines in Iran include zinc, copper, iron, uranium, lead, coal, salt, sand and gravel.

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