Iran, Austria Ink MoU to Launch Tourist Train

Iran, Austria Ink MoU to Launch Tourist Train

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – High-ranking officials from Iran and Austria signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to launch the two countries’ first tourist train.

The document aimed at inaugurating and equipping the first international tourist train of Iran and Austria was signed in a meeting between the two sides’ officials, including Head of Iran's Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization (ICHHTO) Masoud Soltanifar and Managing Director of the Islamic Republic of Iran Railways Mohsen Pour Seyed Aqaei.

Iran’s Fadak economical group and three well-known Austrian tourist companies have signed the agreement.

In his remarks during the meeting, Pour Seyed Aqaei said the MoU and the launch of the two countries’ first tourist train will leave "very good” impact on Iran’s tourism industry and increase passenger services in rail travels.

The Austrian President Heinz Fischer, accompanied by a 240-strong delegation of senior officials and businessmen, arrived in the Iranian capital on Monday to boost Tehran-Vienna cooperation in various political and economic areas, including tourism, education, and joint investment projects.

The visit comes against the backdrop of a new wave of renewed interest in ties with Iran after Tehran and the Group 5+1 (Russia, China, the US, Britain, France and Germany) on July 14 reached a conclusion over the text of a comprehensive 159-page deal on Tehran's nuclear program.

The comprehensive nuclear deal between Iran and the six powers would terminate all nuclear-related sanctions imposed on Iran after coming into force.

Experts believe that Iran's economic growth would rise remarkably after the final nuclear deal takes effect.

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