Commander Sees Soft War as Enemy’s Top Priority against Iran

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - A senior Iranian military commander warned about enemies' ongoing soft war against the country, and stressed that enemies are trying to dominate public opinion in Iran.

Iran’s Navy Commander Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari cautioned the Iranian youths against enemies' plots, and said, "The main purpose of enemies during the soft war is to dominate minds and to that end they have targeted youths of our society.”

Sayyari also stated that the enemies are at the same time pursuing hard tactics against the country.

He further noted that enemy has resorted to soft tactics against Iran due to its disappointment over the excellent and firm defense by our armed forces during eight years of Iraqi imposed war on Iran in 1980s.

Earlier this year, Iran launched  a base to counter enemy soft war.

The base is tasked with policy-making in the state and military affairs to counter the soft war (tactics) of the enemies of the Islamic Republic in a more defined manner.

Soft war is a term used by Iranian officials to refer to the cultural invasion and soft intelligence tactics used by foreign countries deemed hostile.

The base seeks to organize the issues concerning soft power and soft war in the armed forces and their relations with other state bodies.

The body is comprised of a number of elements of the armed forces as well as other state organizations.