Mugabe Declared Winner of Elections in Zimbabwe

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Zimbabwean leader wins 61 percent of the vote, said electoral commission, as opposition insists elections are a "farce".

Robert Mugabe has won Zimbabwe's presidential election with 61 percent of the vote, compared to 34 percent for his challenger and Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai, elections officials said .

The Zimbabwe Electoral Commission results, announced on Saturday, showed Mugabe's Zanu-PF party won 158 of the 210 parliament seats, giving it a two-thirds majority that enables it to make amendments to the new constitution and existing laws, Aljazeera reported.

The results were declared after Tsvangirai's Movement for Democratic Change (MDC-T) announced at a news conference that it "totally rejects the election".

Tsvangirai, who has called the elections a "farce", told a news conference on Saturday in Harare, the capital, that he would exhaust all legal remedies to challenge the election outcome.

The MDC leader said his party would not participate in any government resulting from what he called a "fraudulent" election.