Iran Keen to Boost Cultural Ties with Tunisia

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Iran's Cultural Attache' in Tunisia Sadeq Ramezani Golafzani expressed the hope that Tehran and Tunis would expand cultural cooperation through practical ways, including establishment of Persian language courses in Tunisian universities.

Commenting on Iran-Tunisia bilateral relations, the Iranian diplomat described the cultural and scientific ties between the two Muslim nations as “very good.”

He added that given the high level of academic and cultural cooperation between the two countries, universities in Tunisia can prepare the ground for establishment of scientific courses, including Persian language courses, through exchange of professors and students with Iran.

Ramezani further announced that the Tunisian University of Sousse has set up Persian language courses.

Persian is tought in many universities across the world.

In a relevant development on August 11, head of the cultural body of the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) Eftekhar Hossein Aref underlined high popularity of Persian language in Pakistan, and said numerous Pakistani people are interested in learning Persian language and literature.

“After Iran, Pakistan has the highest number of graduates (studying) in Persian language,” he told Tasnim at the time.