Hariri: Lebanon’s Enemies Seek Destruction, Strife

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Former Prime Minister Saad Hariri said Friday the purpose behind the twin explosions in the northern city of Tripoli is to make strife and destruction a part of Lebanon's daily life.

He also called on local leaders to remain wise.

"They are the hands of strife that don't want the Lebanese to feel stability for one second because they want the bombing and killing machines to claim as many innocent people as possible in every corner in Lebanon,” Hariri said of the attacks' perpetrators.

"People of strife targeted Tripoli again to plant death at the doorsteps of mosques and (kill) worshippers for one desire only, which is the desire of Lebanon's enemy: to have strife and destruction be part of daily life for Lebanese,” he added in a statement, the Lebanese daily, The Daily Star reported.

"For years, someone has been trying to keep Tripoli in the eye of the storm and targeting this city with a wave of chaos, fighting and armed clashes," he continued.