Iran’s Navy Likely to Unveil Overhauled Warship in September

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Iranian Navy Commander Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari said a warship overhauled by local technicians is highly likely to be unveiled in the Sacred Defense Week (starts on September 22).

The Iranian Navy’s “Lavan” warship, which has undergone a complete overhaul recently, is highly expected to return to service during the Sacred Defense Week, Rear Admiral Sayyari told reporters today, on the sidelines of the first national conference on modern naval technologies in the country’s northern city of Nowshahr.

Each year in late September, Iran marks the Sacred Defense Week to commemorate eight years of defense against an Iraqi imposed war (1980-88) under the deposed dictator Saddam Hussein.

Sayyari also said Lavan is an logistic warship, which needed to have major repairs.

Iranian naval technicians have carried out extensive maintenance work on the military vessel’s sonar system, its hull, propulsion and radar systems, as well as its combat equipment and intelligence gathering sensors, the commander pointed out.

Earlier on Thursday, Sayyari had announced that the most advanced Iranian-made submarine, dubbed Fateh (Conqueror), is ready to be launched.

Fateh is one of the most advanced submarines of the country and the region today, and is considered a great achievement for the country’s navy, he said.

He added that Iran is among the few countries in the world that have managed to construct destroyers, missile launchers, and submarines.

The new submarine is highly mobile and can move fast in deep waters. It is also capable of firing torpedoes and planting mines.

The 527- ton Fateh submarine is considered a medium undersurface vessel whose weigh at depth increases to 593 tons. The submarine is equipped with an advanced sonic radar system for identifying enemy vessels.