Commander: Syria Ready to Retaliate Possible US Strike

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Syria is well aware of the enemy’s deception operations and will deliver a crushing response to any military action by the US, a senior Iranian commander underlined on Sunday.

“Those US partners who provide invaders with money, facilities and bases are within the reach of Syria and there are predictions that nothing can prevent Syria’s retaliatory moves,” Deputy Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Brigadier General Masoud Jazayeri said on the sidelines of a meeting here in Tehran today.

He added that Syria would wage “massive and mobile” offensive operations if it came under a US military strike.

The commander stated that the international community recognizes Syria’s rights to forcefully confront the enemies and aggressors in self-defense.

In similar remarks earlier this month, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad told a French newspaper that military intervention from France and the United States could set off a “powder keg” and “regional war”, while denying his forces had used chemical weapons.

US President Barack Obama, who happens to be a Nobel Peace Prize laureate, is battling hard to build support at home and abroad for military action, but has so far only France on his side. And he is not sure whether he can get the authorization to attack from Congress.

Obama made that decision to get congressional approval after the British parliament rejected a motion by the government to take part in a possible attack and US opinion polls showed significant opposition to one, suggesting that he would be somewhat isolated if he ordered military action on his own.