Iran to Take Over Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant Tomorrow

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran will officially take over its first nuclear power plant in the country's southern port city of Bushehr tomorrow.

The Russian contractor will temporarily hand over Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant to Iran tomorrow in a special ceremony on  Monday with a number of high-ranking Iranian and Russian officials in attendance.

A protocol about temporary hand over of the nuclear power plant to Iran is due to be signed on Monday in the venue of Bushehr nuclear plant in southern Iran.

Head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Ali Akbar Salehi, the Iranian energy minister and the head of the Russian contractor company in charge of the construction of the plant will attend the ceremony.

Salehi had announced earlier that the facility is scheduled to be handed over to local contractors on September 24.

He noted the plant’s 14-day test period will come to an end on September 24, adding that the reactor must be functioning at 90 percent capacity and generating at least 900 megawatts of electricity during the two-week period.