Bahrain: No Plan to Restart Iran Air Links

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Bahrain denied entering talks with Iran to re-establish direct air links between the two countries.

Earlier, Tasnim News Agency had quoted a senior Iranian aviation official as saying that Iran has negotiated with Bahrain and Egypt to expand air transport cooperation and to establish direct air links with these two Arab countries.

Head of Iran’s Civil Aviation Organization Hamid Reza Pahlevani said he has conferred with his Egyptian and Bahraini counterparts on ways of improving air transport cooperation and launching direct flight between Iran and these two countries on the sidelines of the 38th session of the General Assembly of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).

According to Pahlevani, there were agreements about starting direct flights between Tehran and Cairo and resuming Tehran-Manama direct link, but he said the agreements need to be approved by both sides to become operational.

In reply, Trade Arabia news service reported on Friday that a Transport Ministry spokeswoman denied the claims yesterday.

"There are no agreements with Iran at this point in any sector," she said. "We don't have anything," she added.