AEOI Chief: Iran Weathering Nuclear Crisis

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Tehran is on the way to get out of the nuclear crisis, head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) stated, but added that certain countries seem to feel uneasy and try to obstruct settlement of the issue.

“We are currently on the way out of the nuclear crisis,” Ali Akbar Salehi said on Sunday, addressing a gathering of security guard personnel in charge of protecting state institutions.

However, he explained that some countries are concerned about an end to the standoff over Iran’s nuclear program, and warned that they seek to “block the path through hostile measures.”

“In this sensitive juncture, we must fulfill our duties and responsibilities better than before, so that some would not be able to hamper our new measures,” Salehi pointed out.

In relevant remarks on September 27, Iran’s Deputy Foreign Minister for Legal and International Affairs Seyed Abbas Araqchi said both Iran and the six world powers entered talks in New York with a new tone, and described the talks between the two sides as a “big step forward.”

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif had a meeting with his counterparts from the Group 5+1 (five permanent members of the UN Security Council plus Germany) on the sidelines of the 68th United Nations General Assembly in New York on September 26.

The meeting which was hosted by EU Foreign Policy Chief Catherine Ashton, and attended by seven foreign ministers, marked the highest-level, direct contact between the US and Iran in many years as the US secretary of state, John Kerry, came face-to-face with the Iranian foreign minister.

After the meeting, US Secretary of State John Kerry sais a deal with Iran over its nuclear program could come in as little as three months.

Substantive nuclear negotiations between Iran and international powers are due to take place on October 15 and 16 in Geneva, Switzerland.

Iran has been hit with dozens of sanctions in the last ten years. Some of them are based on UN Security Council resolutions, others are decisions by the European Union, others are acts of the US Congress and still others are executive orders by the US president.

Iran wants the sanctions lifted and has said it is ready to open its nuclear facilities to international inspections to prove it is not seeking a nuclear bomb.