MP: Syrian Army, People’s Resistance Defeat Terrorists’ Plots

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A ranking Iranian lawmaker praised Syrian army and nation’s staunch resistance against foreign-backed terrorists which he said has led to the defeat of the plots hatched by some western and regional countries against their country.

Chairman of the Parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy Commission Alaeddin Boroujerdi made the comments in a meeting with the visiting General Secretary to the Syrian Prime Minister Tisir Al Zaabi on Tuesday.

Borujerdi ensured the top Syrian politician of Tehran’s firm support for the Syriangovernment and nation in their fight against terrorists supported by foreign countries.

The Iranian lawmaker also told al Zaabi that Iran’s parliament would throw its weight behind any move aimed at bolstering bilateral cooperation.

Al-Zaabi, for his part, expressed appreciation for Iran’s support for the Syrian government and people since the outbreak of the crisis in the Arab country.
According to UN figures, more than 115,000 people have been killed in Syria as a result of the prolonged conflict in that country, with more than six million people forced to flee their home, over 2 million of them have escaped to neighboring countries.

Last week, Syrian deputy prime minister, Qadri Jamil, said in Moscow that a proposed peace conference in Geneva could take place November 23-24, saying "we are closer than ever to holding the Geneva 2." But not many are sure this date can hold.

On Monday, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad told Lebanon's al-Mayadeen television that his government would take part in the conference without preconditions, but added the prospects that it would reach a settlement were dim.

"No time has been set, and the factors are not yet in place if we want to succeed... Which forces are taking part? What relation do these forces have with the Syrian people? Do these forces represent the Syrian people, or do they represent the states that invented them," he asked.

And on the ground in Syria, the UN Special coordinator for the mission to destroy Syria's chemical weapons, Sigrid Kaag, said in a statement that to date, the Syrian government had fully cooperated in the mission's work.