Attack on Border Post Orchestrated from Outside Iran: Deputy Minister

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s deputy interior minister for security affairs said on Saturday that a recent terrorist attack on a border security base in southeast of the country seems to have been organized from outside the Iranian borders.

Putting the death toll from the Friday attack on the southeastern border post at 14, Ali Abdollahi said, “The interior ministry and the foreign affairs ministry are jointly pursuing the case.”

On Friday evening, a group of armed men carried out an ambush attack on a border post in Gazbostan, near the southeastern city of Saravan.

According to Abdollahi, the armed assailants have killed 14 Iranian border guards, wounded 6 others, and took three soldiers hostage in the raid.

He, however, noted that Iranian authorities are doing their best to free those hostages.

The interior ministry official also urged Pakistan, which has signed a security agreement with Iran, to take necessary measures to control its common borders with Iran.

Earlier in the day, Hedayatollah Mirmorad Zehi, member of Iranian parliament, quoted the governor of Saravan as saying that Jaysh al-Adl terrorist group was behind the terrorist attack, but said he could not independently verify the report.