Navy Thwarts Pirate Attack on Iranian Trade Ship

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran's naval forces rescued an Iranian trade ship which was besieged by pirates in the Gulf of Aden, Lieutenant Commander of the Iranian Navy for Operations Admiral Siavash Jareh said on Monday.

The Iranian Navy's 27th fleet of warships present in the region rushed to the scene after the  vessel came under attack by 5 pirate boats as sailing through the Gulf of Aden, the commander stated.

The Iranian forces managed to save the vessel and forced the pirates to escape the scene after heavy arm clashes, Jareh added.

Earlier, an Iranian navy commander said that the fleet of warships had also rescued the crew of a Yemeni boat that had been stranded at the Red Sea for three days.

According to Rear Admiral Shahram Irani the distressed vessel with 10 Yemeni nationals aboard was spotted on October 23, by the 27th fleet’s servicemen in the Red Sea.

In a similar operation in late September, the Iranian Navy's 27th fleet of warships rescued two Yemeni fishing boats in the same location.

Servicemen on board Iran’s 27th fleet had saved the wandering boats and supplied the fishermen with foods after pirates had stolen the two vessels’ cargos, deactivated the engines and left the Yemeni fishermen alone in the sea.

The Iranian Navy's 27th fleet of warships is comprised of Kharg warship and Sabalan destroyer.

Since November 2008, the Iranian navy has conducted anti-piracy missions in the Gulf of Aden and Bab el-Mendeb strait to protect the country's cargo ships and oil tankers against pirates.