Iran Asks UNSC to Act on Saravan Terrorist Attack

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran called on the UN Security Council to show swift and appropriate reaction to the recent terrorist attack in Iran's southeastern city of Saravan.

On Friday evening, a group of armed men carried out an ambush attack on a border post in Gazbostan, near Iran’s southeastern city of Saravan, on the border with Pakistan which has almost no control over its side of the shared frontier with Iran.

Fourteen Iranian border guards were killed and six were wounded in the terrorist attack.

“The existing evidence prove that the October 25 terrorist act was launched by Jeish al-Adl extremist group after their elements' illegal entry into Iran through the eastern borders,” Iran’s permanent ambassador to UN Mohammad Khazaie said in an official letter to the rotating chairman of the UN Security Council on Monday.

The Iranian UN envoy has also pointed out that the appropriate reaction by the UN Security Council will carry a strong message for that terrorist group and their supporters that committing such criminal acts at any other time and place will not be tolerated.

“The UNSC reaction to the terrorist act will also mean sympathizing with the bereaved family members of the victims of the brutal move,” added Khazaie.

The Iranian diplomat has also ensured the top UN official that the Islamic Republic of Iran is determined to "adopt the necessary measures to punish" the terrorist group involved in Friday evening deadly attack.

“We expect the international society and our neighbors to assist Iran in this respect.”

Earlier, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif referred to Saravan event as an "example of the international terrorism and a symbol of the expansion of extremism."

“Extremism and terrorism have no boundaries. In today's world, security is not an isolated issue, and thus, we have no way but to contribute to the establishment of regional security in a bid to preserve and safeguard our country’s security."