Tehran Mayor Elected UCLG Vice President

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Mayor of Tehran, Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf, has been elected as the vice president of United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) for Middle East and West Asia, an Iranian official said.

According to the managing director of Tehran Municipality’s public relations, UCLG members at the 4th World Congress of United Cities and Local Governments unanimously reelected Qalibaf as the UCLG vice president for the Middle East and West Asia for another three-year term.

The 4th UCLG World Congress and the second World Summit of Local and Regional Leaders, the largest gathering of local and regional authorities in the world, kicked off in Morocco’s capital of Rabat on Friday, November 1.

United Cities and Local Governments has a decentralized structure with 7 Regional Sections in Africa, Asia-Pacific, Euro-Asia, Europe, Latin America, Middle East and West Asia, North America and a Metropolitan section. These sections are independent legal entities which conduct their own regional activities.

UCLG represents and defends the interests of local and regional governments on the world stage, regardless of the size of the communities. It is also the largest network of local and regional leaders in the world.

Present in 140 of the 192 UN member states in seven world regions, UCLG’s members include individual cities and national associations of local governments. Over 1000 cities and 112 local government associations (LGAs) are members of UCLG.

All UCLG members meet every three years to elect a new president.

A total of 12 committees and six working groups concentrate the thematic work of UCLG, including decentralization and local autonomy, local finances and development, culture, development cooperation and city diplomacy, social inclusion, participatory democracy and human rights, gender equality, the Mediterranean, urban health, peripheral cities, urban mobility, digital cities and urban strategic planning.