Official Reaffirms Iranian Nation’s Unity against Arrogance

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A member of Iran’s Expediency Council said despite different political views inside the country, the Iranian nation has consolidated its position in fight against the global arrogance, particularly the US hostile policies.

In spite of a diversity of political views in the country, the Iranian nation unanimously backs the government and the team of nuclear negotiators in countering the arrogant attitudes of the US, Saeed Jalili, member of the Expediency Council said here in Tehran on Monday.

He made the remarks in a large gathering of demonstrators, who had held mass rallies to mark the 34th anniversary of the US Embassy takeover in Tehran.

Jalili also asserted that the nation keeps supporting the Iranian team negotiating with the six major world powers over Tehran’s peaceful nuclear program, so that they would be able to defend the Iranian nation’s rights, interests and values to the fullest.

In relevant remarks on Sunday, Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei lent his support for the team of Iranian nuclear negotiators engaged in talks with six major world powers.

Addressing a large gathering of Iranian students here in Tehran, Ayatollah Khamenei had pointed to the nuclear talks between Tehran and the G5+1 (the US, Russia, China, Britain, France as well as Germany), and stressed, “Nobody should undermine or insult them (Iranian negotiators), or regard them as compromising.”

"I’m not optimistic about the ongoing negotiations because it is not known whether the nation will achieve its desired results. However, we believe there is no harm in such an experience provided that the nation is vigilant and knows what is going on,” said Ayatollah Khamenei.

Iran and the G5+1 countries wrapped up two days of talks over the Islamic Republic’s nuclear energy program in Geneva, Switzerland, on October 16. Further talks are slated for November 7-8 in Geneva.

Jalili further described “unity and solidarity” as a contributing factor in the fight against the global arrogance and the US hostile attitudes towards Iran.

The “National Day against Global Arrogance” has its roots in a historical movement by a group of Iranian students more than 30 years ago, but its precursors should be traced back to 1953 when the CIA orchestrated a coup which toppled the democratically elected government of Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadeq.

On November 4, 1979, and in less than a year after the victory of the Islamic Revolution that toppled a US-backed monarchy, a group of Iranian university students seized the US embassy in Tehran.

The students justified the takeover by insisting that the compound had become a center of espionage and planning to overthrow the newly established Islamic system in Iran.

The students who seized the embassy later published documents proving that the compound was indeed engaged in plans and measures to overthrow the Islamic system.

Every year on the 13th day of the Iranian month of Aban (November 4), the Iranian nation, particularly the students, hold rallies across the country to mark the day.

In the capital city of Tehran, the rallies to mark the anniversary of the landmark move are held at the venue of the former US embassy, which is known by Iranians as “Den of Espionage”.