IRGC Missiles Can Hit Enemy Command, Control Centers: Commander

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps is in possession of advance missiles which are capable of detecting sources of signals and radiation and they are capable of hitting the enemy command and control centers, a top IRGC commander announced.

Thanks to the considerable efforts done by the Iranian servicemen who devoted their lives to the country’s development, the IRGC has achieved missiles that are able to hit the enemy’s command and control bases after tracking the sources of radiation from those bases, IRGC Lieutenant Commander Brigadier General Hossein Salami told reporters here in Tehran on Monday on the sidelines of a ceremony to commemorate the anniversary of martyrdom of Hassan Tehrani Moqqadam, the father of Iran's missile technology.

He also noted that the Iranian forces have succeeded to dramatically increase the precision of their ballistic missiles, saying the ballistic missiles now in service are even capable of hitting the mobile sea targets and vessels.

In relevant remarks on November 4, Brigadier General Salami had announced that Iran is capable of responding to all enemy threats with whatever degree of intensity.

“Today, we can hit any of enemy targets and respond to any threat with any degree of intensity,” Salami said at the time.

The Islamic Republic is an example of a prosperous country which has been able to stand against the big world powers’ pressures and at the same time make significant progress, the commander added.