Nasrallah: Hezbollah to Stay in Syria as Long as Needed

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Secretary General of the Lebanese Hezbollah Resistance Movement said on Thursday that the movement will keep his forces in Syria as long as necessary.

Hezbollah has provided help for the Syrian government in its confrontation with the terrorist groups and armed rebels and the move has helped Damascus recapture the strategic town of Qusair.

"As long as the reasons (to fight in Syria) remain, our presence there will remain," Nasrallah said in a speech in front of tens of thousands of Lebanese Shiites marking the religious ceremony of Ashura in southern Beirut.

"Our fighters are present on Syrian soil... to confront all the dangers it faces from the international, regional and Takfiri (extremists) attack on this country and region," Nasrallah said, referring to the foreign rebels fighting in Syria, Reuters reported.

Nasrallah also said any attempt by Hezbollah's political opponents to link a deal for a new cabinet with demands for its withdrawal from Syria would be futile.

"Anyone who speaks of Hezbollah's withdrawal from Syria as a condition to form a new imposing a crippling condition," he said, and the organization would not bargain the region's future "for a few useless cabinet portfolios".