Iranian FM Censures Israel for Acts of Interference

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian foreign minister lashed out at Israel for the comments it has made on relations between Tehran and Rome, saying the regime has no right to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries.

Mohammad Javad Zarif, who travelled to Rome on Tuesday to meet his Italian counterpart Emma Bonino, took a swipe at Israel after the Zionist regime’s embassy said the Iranian foreign minister’s visit to Rome was premature.

Zarif slammed the Israeli comments as “flagrant” interference in bilateral relations between Iran and Italy, as well as in the internal affairs of other independent countries.

The Iranian foreign minister, heading a high-ranking diplomatic delegation, arrived in Italy on Tuesday before flying to Switzerland to start a fresh round of nuclear talks between his country and the G5+1 (the five permanent members of the UN Security Council plus Germany).

Also in a joint press conference with Bonino after the Tuesday meeting, Zarif condemned the Israli efforts to block a nuclear deal between Tehran and the six world powers.

“We have seen that statements coming out of Israel indicate that they are not interested in finding solutions (to the nuclear issue), they have been trying to push for problems,” he stated.

“So we have reason to be suspicious of every move they make, because every move they make is about building tension and spreading mistrust.” 

But despite efforts by Israel and some regional countries to hamper progress in Geneva talks over Iran's nuclear program, Zarif said he sees “every possibility for success” of the forthcoming nuclear talks.

“I think there is every possibility for success of these talks, provided that the two sides engage in these discussions with good faith and with the political will to resolve the problem,” Zarif said on Tuesday.