MP Urges Int’l Community to Get Tough with Terrorism

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A senior Iranian legislator urged the West not to lose sight of the long-term consequences of supporting terrorist groups, saying the menace can jeopardize peace and security of all countries in different regions and its eradication requires collective will and effort.

“Terrorism is a threat for the whole international community that puts at stake the peace and security of every country in various regions, and is in need of collective cooperation of the international community,” said Alaeddin Borujerdi, Head of Iranian Parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy Commission, in a meeting with the new German Ambassador to Tehran, Michael Baron Von Ungern-Sternberg.

He said that the campaign against terrorism can serve as a good platform for cooperation between Iran and the European countries, adding, “The western countries should not for the sake of achieving temporary interests ignore the long term threats of bolstering terrorist groups.”

The new German ambassador expressed sympathy with the Iranian government and nation over the Tuesday terrorist attack in Beirut and said: “Germany strongly condemns the recent terrorist attacks in Beirut and considers attacks against diplomatic representative offices totally unacceptable.”

The German envoy said the ramifications of the Syrian conflict are keenly felt across the border in Lebanon and urged all political forces in that country to forestall the spillover effect of that crisis through compromise and dialogue.

On Tuesday morning, twin explosions occurred around Iran's embassy in Beirut, killing at least 23 people and injuring some 150 others. The Iranian cultural attaché was wounded in the blasts but later succumbed to his extensive injuries in a hospital in Beirut.

In addition to the attaché, five other Iranians were among the dead.