Iranian MP Accuses G5+1 of Toeing Line of Zionists

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A senior Iranian lawmaker emphasized that the country will stand firm on its right to enrich uranium inside the country in talks with the G5+1, which he said is under the influence of the Zionists.

“One of the fundamental problems of the G5+1 is that it has come under the influence of the Zionists, a fact that hinders success of the talks," Seyed Hossein Naqavi Hosseini told the Tasnim News Agency on Thursday.

Naqavi Hosseini further described Iran’s right to uranium enrichment as a red line for the Islamic Republic, saying that Tehran would in no way retreat from its inalienable rights.

These comments echo yesterday's remarks by Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei that Iran would not back down an iota from its rights, including its nuclear rights, and would never give in to pressure.

The Leader also criticized the French officials who spoke out against a draft deal floated at the last round of Geneva talks, saying they not only succumbed to the United States but also knelt before the Israeli regime.

Senior diplomats representing Iran and the Group 5+1 (the five permanent UN Security Council members plus Germany) started a fresh round of negotiations over Tehran’s nuclear program in the Swiss city of Geneva on Wednesday.

Earlier on Tuesday, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif had expressed optimism about the fresh round of talks, saying, “I think there is every possibility for success of these talks, provided that the two sides engage in these discussions with good faith and with the political will to resolve the problem.”

While almost all diplomats involved in the talks are optimistic about reaching a deal on Iran's nuclear program, Israel has been playing the party pooper, making its best to prevent the G5+1 from reaching an agreement with Iran.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has waged a public lobbying effort against the draft deal, saying Iran got the deal of the century without giving anything in return.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu flew to Russia on Wednesday to appeal for tougher conditions in any possible deal with Iran after failing to convince the United States that the world powers are pursuing a bad deal.

This efforts come as Israel is believed to have up to 400 nuclear warheads and bombs and has been the only impediment in realizing the idea of a nuclear-weapons-free Middle East.

Earlier this month, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani also said the Islamic Republic has a number of red lines, among which are the nation’s nuclear rights, including uranium enrichment inside the country.

And Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has said Tehran expects the six major world powers to “respect” its right to enrich uranium based on the regulations of the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).

“Iran enrichment right has no need to be recognized because it is an indivisible right based on the NPT. What we expect is respect for the components of Iran's right,” Zarif said on Sunday.

The top Iranian diplomat stressed that enrichment is a “non-negotiable” right and urged all countries to respect it.

Iran says as a signatory to the NPT, it is entitled to use nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. Article 4 of the treaty guarantees countries the right to develop the use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes.

This article stipulates that nothing in the NPT shall be interpreted as affecting the inalienable right of all signatories to the treaty to use nuclear energy for peaceful purposes.