Mursi Supporters Continue Protests in Several Egypt Cities

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Muslim Brotherhood supporters launched rallies in several Egyptian governorates following prayers on Friday leading to scattered clashes with opponents.

Thousands marched in a number of Cairo districts, as well as in Alexandria, the Upper Egypt city of Assiut, the Nile Delta cities of Kafr El-Dawwar and Damietta, and the Suez Canal city of Suez, reported Al-Ahram's Arabic website.

Clashes between bystanders and protesters were reported in Alexandria, Kafr E-Dawwar and Suez. Security forces were able to separate the clashing parties in Alexandria, Al-Ahram reported, where such Friday confrontations have become a common occurrence.

The Muslim Brotherhood supporters demanded the reinstatement of ousted president Mohamed Mursi, while also condemning the recent security crackdown against Mursi's supporters.

Ahmed Hegazi, a protester from Alexandria, told Al-Ahram that he was protesting in response to recent events at Cairo's Al-Azhar University, where security forces clashed with students, killing one and injuring tens on Wednesday.

Hegazi said that protests against the army and Egypt's transitional government – who removed Mursi from power after mass protests against him in July – will increase in the coming period.

Following the arrest of hundreds of top and mid-ranking Muslim Brotherhood members, the frequency and magnitude of pro-Mursi protests has been effectively reduced. Security forces violently dispersed the Muslim Brotherhood's main sit-ins at Rabaa Al-Adawiya mosque and Nahda Square in August, killing hundreds in the process.

The main pro-Mursi coalition, the National Alliance in Support of Legitimacy, called for Friday's protest to commemorate 100 days since the sit-in clearings, which the group termed a "massacre."

Crowds chanted against the military and the police, condemning what they describe as a "coup" against a legitimate president.