Poll: Obama’s Disapproval Rating Shoots Up to 53 Percent

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - US President Barack Obama’s disapproval rating has sharply increased to 53 percent, according to a new McClatchy-Marist poll, the highest level the poll has recorded for him in nearly 30 surveys.

Obama's approval rating stood at 43 percent in another poll released Monday night.

According to the latest poll, a plurality of Americans, 38 percent, would grade all Washington officials with an F. Another 31 percent would give them a D, and 25 percent would give them a C.

Only 1 percent of the public, well inside the margin of error, would grade their elected officials with an A.

Meanwhile, Americans' job approval ratings for Congress in 2013 hit a record low. According to a Gallup poll released on Tuesday, the ratings averaged 14 percent, the lowest annual average in Gallup's history, Press TV reported.

“Congress approval has averaged below 20 percent in each of the last four years, and in five of the last six,” Gallup said.

Americans' very low approval of the job Congress is doing is a reflection of the currently divided nature of and Congress' continuing inability to improve country's generally negative economic circumstances.