Iran’s Southern Province Ups Non-Oil Exports by 40% in 9 Months

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The volume of non-oil exports via Iran’s southern province of Bushehr has witnessed a 40% increase compared with the same period last year, a provincial official announced on Sunday.

Speaking to reporters in the port city of Bushehr, Fathollah Khoshbakhti, the caretaker of the head office of Bushehr Ports and Shipping Organization, said 4.8mln tons of non-oil products have been exported via 11 ports of the province during the past nine months.

He said that the figure showed a 40% increase compared with the same period last year.

Meanwhile the volume of loading and unloading of non-oil goods via the Bushehr province ports during that period was 7.269 million tons, and Khoshbakhti said the figure shows a 47% growth.

Earlier, the Islamic Republic of Iran Customs Office announced that the value of non-oil trade has stood at $62.507 billion in the first 9 months of the current Iranian year (started on 21 March 2013).

The latest figures released by the office demonstrate that Iran has earned $29,241 billion from exporting non-oil goods during the 9-month period.

The Islamic Republic’s non-oil exports mainly included iron ore, urea, and methanol, the office said.

China, Iraq, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), India and Afghanistan were the major importers of Iranian goods, respectively.