Cleric: Islamic Awakening Movement to Result in Enemies’ Collapse

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Enemies are seeking to undermine the wave of Islamic Awakening which has swept the region since 2011, a senior Iranian cleric said on Monday, and stressed that the wave will result in downfall of enemies of Muslim states.

“Enemies should know that the Islamic Awakening is the factor that would lead to their downfall and that the wave of Islam would reach the whole world,” Grand Ayatollah Hossein Nouri Hamedani said in a meeting with a group of Iranian police commanders and personnel.

Ayatollah Nouri Hamedani cautioned that in the countries which have witnessed the Islamic Awakening movement, enemies have launched efforts aimed at undermining and derailing those movements.

“In Egypt and in Yemen, the people start uprising by chanting Allah-o Akbar (God is the Greatest) slogan, which means they favor Islam, but they (people) failed to reach result since they do not have a leader,” he said.

The prominent cleric further said that absence of a religious leader in the countries in which the Islamic Awakening has occurred was the factor behind their failure to reach desirable changes after the collapse of former regimes.

In relevant remakrs, a former Egyptian lawmaker, too, said on Sunday that the wave of Islamic Awakening in the region and other parts of Muslim world is inspired by Imam Khomeini (PBUH), the late Founder of the Islamic Republic.

“The beginning of the Islamic Awakening Movement dates back to very long ago and the time of the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran (1979), led by the late Imam Khomeini,” Mohyeddin al-Qandour told the Tasnim News Agency on Sunday.

The former Egyptian parliamentarian set example of the inspiring influence of Iran's Islamic Revolution on the Egyptian revolution in 2011 that toppled Hosni Mubarak, and stated that the Egyptian revolution was inspired by Islamic Revolution’s paradigms in all phases, especially in its anti-Zionist approach.