Iraq Prepares 'Major Attack' to Retake Fallujah

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Iraqi security forces are preparing a "major attack" to retake the city of Fallujah from al Qaeda-linked militants, a senior government official said on Sunday.

Special forces had already conducted operations in the city, the official said. The regular army had paused on the edge of the city to allow residents time to leave, awaiting orders to launch "the attack to crush the terrorists".

On Saturday, a senior security official in Anbar province said Fallujah was under the control of al Qaeda-linked group the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.

Washington said it would help Baghdad in its battle against al Qaeda-linked militants but that there would be no return of US troops, AFP reported.

US Secretary of State John Kerry said on Sunday that Washington was ready to help Baghdad in its battle against the militants, but added that it was "their fight".

"We are not obviously contemplating returning, we are not contemplating putting boots on the ground," Kerry told reporters.

ISIL is the latest incarnation of Al-Qaeda's Iraq affiliate and has made a striking comeback this year.