South Korean Parliamentary Delegation Due in Tehran on Sunday

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A four-member South Korean parliamentary delegation is set to pay an official visit to Tehran on Sunday, an adviser to Iran's parliament speaker said today.

Hossein Sheikholeslam, the adviser of Iran’s parliament speaker on international affairs, told the Tasnim News Agency on Saturday that the South Korean team will be led by Speaker of the Asian country’s National Assembly Kang Chang-hee.

He said the high-profile parliamentary delegation coming from Seoul is expected to have a three-day stay in Tehran, during which Kang is planned to hold separate meetings with Chairman of the Iranian Parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy Commission Alaeddin Boroujerdi, Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani, and Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif.

In recent months, the Iranian parliament has made major strides in establishing close relations with the parliaments of foreign countries.

Earlier on January 3, an Italian parliamentary delegation, led by Chairman of Italy’s Senate Foreign Affairs Committee Pier Ferdinando Casini, started a three-day visit to the Iranian capital city of Tehran.

And later on January 7, a British parliamentary delegation arrived in Tehran as part of a broader effort to improve Tehran-London relations.

The group was led by prominent member of the British parliament Jack Straw, a former foreign secretary, who is currently the head of the parliament’s Iran-British Friendship Group.