Iran, Spain Agree on Closer Contacts

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian Vice-President Mohammad Ali Najafi and Spanish Foreign Minister Jose Manuel Garcia-Margallo agreed to maintain closer contacts between the two countries.

During the meeting held in Madrid on Friday, the two sides discussed a common bilateral agenda, as well as some international and regional matters, Spain’s foreign ministry said in a communiqué, the Latin American Herald Tribune reported.

Najafi, the director of Iran’s Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts Organization, is in Spain for the FITUR 2014 International Tourism Trade Fair.

Garcia-Margallo told the Iranian vice president of his wish to visit Iran in the near future, the report said.

As for regional and international matters, the Spanish foreign minister congratulated the Iranian side for his country’s part in the Geneva nuclear deal, an accord reached on Nov. 24.

Meantime, the public relations office of the Iranian Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts Organization said in a report that during the meeting, Najafi conveyed the Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif’s warm greetings to his Spanish counterpart.

He also invited Garcia-Margallo to visit Iran in the near future, which was welcomed by the Spanish top diplomat.

Najafi further expressed the hope that the new chapter in Iran's cooperation with the world states would prepare a better atmosphere for further cooperation between Iran and Spain.