Iraq: 106 Killed, 141 Wounded in Clashes and Bomb Attacks

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - At least 71 people were killed and 141 more were wounded in attacks across Iraq on Wednesday.

 A series of bombs, several in critical areas downtown, terrorized Baghdad. The government also reported the deaths of 35 ISIS/DAASH militants in Anbar province.

Even as operations continue in Anbar province, militants have apparently seized three villages in neighboring Salah ad-Din province. In Albu Jaber, 35 militants were killed in a clash.

The Iraqi Army says it will surround Falluja, but it will be up to local tribesmen to retake the city, neighborhood by neighborhood, Antiwar reported.

In Baghdad, two bombs, at least one attached to a suicide bomber, exploded simultaneously in separate parking lots near the Foreign Ministry, killing 12 people and wounding 22 more. A suicide bomber killed five people and wounded 12 others at a nearby falafel restaurant that often serves officials waiting to enter the Green Zone; later, a rocket killed one person and wounded seven others at an entrance to the zone. A bomb killed five people and wounded 11 more in Khilani Square. A triple bombing shortly before sunset killed 12 people and wounded 23 at a Jisr Diyala market. Two people were killed and 10 more were wounded in an attack in Doura; a second blast wounded six more. Eight people were wounded in a blast in Zaafaraniya.

Attacks on Tikrit checkpoints left two policemen dead and three Sahwa wounded. A suicide bomber killed 10 servicemembers and wounded three more near the city.

In Mosul, three suicide bombers attacked a police station, killing a policeman and wounding seven others. Gunmen killed two soldiers.

Five soldiers were killed and seven more were wounded in a suicide blast in Numaniya.

A suicide bomber killed three soldiers and wounded 11 in Saqlawiya.

Four construction workers were wounded in a blast in Tal al-Rummam.

A bomb in Shirqat killed an army lieutenant and wounded five others.

Meantime, three dumped bodies were found in Basra province.