US “Too Weak” to Attack Iran: IRGC Commander

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A senior Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) commander on Friday dismissed US military threats against Iran, stressing that the United States is “too weak” to wage war on the Islamic Republic.

Commander of the IRGC Aerospace ‌‌Force Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh underlined that the defense and military capabilities of the Islamic Republic have “made the Americans helpless."

He referred to remarks by US officials about the military option being on the table, and said the US arrogant mentality is nothing new.

US Secretary of State John Kerry in a CNN interview on Thursday once again threatened Iran, saying “we’ve lost nothing off the table.”

Hajizadeh said the Americans are seeking to score points through intimidation, stressing that the US never directly launches war against powerful countries but only invades countries that have either collapsed from within or lost their defense capability altogether.

The senior IRGC commander reiterated that the country’s officials should not worry about the Americans’ threats and that ensuring the security of the country is upon the armed forces and Basij.

He further referred to Iran’s talks with group G5+1 (Britain, the US, France, Germany, China and Russia) and urged Iran’s negotiators to "move the talks forward from a position of strength."

Iran and the sextet are due to begin a new round of talks later this month, aimed at working out a final agreement on Iran’s peaceful nuclear program.