Iranian Speaker Slams US, Israel for Obstructing Regional Revolutions

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani lashed out at the US for throwing a wrench in the trend of the revolutions that have occurred in the region in recent years, saying such obstructive tactics are employed for Israel’s benefit alone.

“Even after the revolutions that happened in the region, the US and Israel tried to divert and devastate some of the revolutions so that Israel can benefit,” Larijani said in a Friday ceremony, held in Tunisia’s capital to mark the North African country’s newly adopted constitution.

Addressing the ceremony at the National Assembly, the Iranian speaker also referred to Israel as a "cancerous tumor" in the region and accused it and the US of trying to "sterilize" the regional revolutions following the wave the Islamic Awakening.

However, a US delegation walked out of the celebrations in protest at Larijani’s comments.

Elsewhere in his speech, the Iranian representative praised the Tunisian authorities for succeeding to adopt the country’s new constitution, and pledged Tehran’s support for the Arab country’s interim government.

Some three years from the outset of the Islamic Awakening movements in the region, Tunisia is moving towards full democracy with a newly adopted constitution and caretaker government.

The Tunisian constitution was approved on January 26, after receiving 200 of the 216 votes in the country’s National Constituent Assembly.