Leader Advises Iranian Students to Brace Themselves for Soft War

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei in a message called on the Iranian university students to gain a thorough understanding of the hegemonic system and its plots, and to gear up to confront the enemies in the soft war arena.

Hojjatoleslam Mohammad Mohammadian, the Leader’s representative in the Iranian universities, delivered Ayatollah Khamenei’s verbal message to the union of the Islamic association of Iran's independent students, in a gathering in the northeastern city of Mashhad on Wednesday.

Mohammadian quoted the Supreme Leader as saying that the Iranian students are indeed “the young officers of the soft war," adding that they should “prepare themselves to the utmost” for confrontation in the soft warfare.

“Understand the hegemonic system and its entire aspects and layers, and analyze its real objectives and strategies, and employ your whole potential and capacities to confront that (the hegemony establishment),” the Supreme Leader told the students in the message.

Ayatollah Khamenei also predicted a bright future for the Islamic Revolution, noting that the young generation’s  efforts will lead the country to progress.

In relevant comments on January 18, Ayatollah Khamenei had called on the whole Iranian students in local or foreign universities to put effort into improving their knowledge and throw their weight behind the country’s progress and the Iranian nation’s prosperity.

In a message to the 48th annual meeting of the union of the Islamic associations of Iranian students in Europe, the Leader had described the Iranian young students all over the world as “valuable plants” that have their roots in Iran.

The Leader had also asserted that those Iranians studying abroad, like their peers in the country’s “lively and dynamic” universities, would “make valuable contributions” to the prosperity of their homeland and welfare of the Iranian nation.