Activist: Bahrain’s Revolution Unstoppable

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A leading Bahraini political activist said the revolution of Bahrain’s nation will not stop but will continue as long as the Al Khalifa regime is in power.

On Thursday, security forces in Bahrain clashed with the opposition demonstrators as Bahraini people marked the third anniversary of anti-government uprising.

It was the first of three days of protests called by the opposition to mark Friday's anniversary as they seek to give new momentum to their campaign against the government.

Speaking to the Tasnim News Agency, Sayyid Qassem Al-Hashemi, leader of the World Congress for Supporting the Nation of Bahrain, said that in the early days of the uprising, people’s main demand was fundamental reforms in Bahrain but as crackdowns intensified, they started to call for the overthrow of the regime.

Bahrain has been the scene of almost daily protests against the Al Khalifa regime since February 14, 2011, when thousands of pro-democracy protesters took to the streets, calling for the royal family to leave power.

On March 14, 2011, troops from Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates invaded the country to assist the Bahraini regime in its crackdown on peaceful protesters.

Al-Hashemi said tens of people have been massacred by Al Khalifa forces in the past three years and the people of Bahrain believe that the blood of the revolution’s martyrs would be in vain without the ouster of the Al Khalifa regime.

He said the regime’s repressive policies not only has failed to affect the resolve of Bahrain’s revolutionary people but has actually strengthened their determination to pursue their legitimate demands.

Al-Hashemi referred to the US involvement in the developments in Bahrain, saying that Washington is behind what is going on in the Persian Gulf country and that the Al Khalifa and Al Saud regimes are only following the US orders.

Elsewhere, the Bahraini figure regretted the silence of the so-called advocates of human rights over the oppression of Bahrain’s nation by the forces of Al Khalif and Al Saud.

“In the past few years, the people of Bahrain have gone through infinite suffering, bloodshed and torture. (However) those countries that claim to be advocating human rights have failed to react. They have sat back and watched Saudi forces being dispatched to Bahrain to clamp down on the country’s popular uprising.”

Al-Hashemi further underlined the peaceful nature of Bahraini people’s uprising despite all the oppressive measures taken by the government, and said, “we firmly say to the enemies of Bahrain’s revolution that we will expel them from Bahrain without resorting to force."