Visiting Iraqi FM Meets Iranian Parliament Speaker

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Visiting Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari in a meeting with Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani discussed bilateral relations, specially in parliamentary fields.

During the meeting held in Tehran on Wednesday, Zerabri and Larijani exchanged views on the two countries’ parliamentary relations, as well as regional and international developments.

Zebari and his Iranian counterpart Mohammad Javad Zarif held a press conference earlier on Wednesday morning.

In the press conference, Zarif welcomed the Iraqi top diplomat and his entourage, saying he has mulled over "a broad range of issues" in the meeting with Zebari.

He once again emphasized that Tehran urges “stability and peace” among the entire Iraqi groups.

Zebari’s visit to Tehran comes a few weeks after his Iranian counterpart travelled to Baghdad in mid-January.

Upon his arrival in Baghdad at the time, Zarif had reiterated that Tehran will lend its support to the Iraqi government in its efforts to fight terrorism.

Describing terrorism and extremism as threats to the whole region, the Iranian minister had also contended that tackling the menace requires regional efforts and initiatives.

Iranian officials have on various occasions pledged support for Iraq in the campaign against terrorism and extremism.