Zarif Says India Visit Aimed at Bolstering Bilateral Relations

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, who is in India for official visit, said his visit to New Delhi aimed to boost ties between the two countries.

 Zarif, who arrived in New Delhi Thursday morning, said Iran attaches great importance to its relations with India.

He said during his two-day visit, he will discuss issues of mutual interest and ways to enhance bilateral cooperation in energy and banking sectors, among others.

In past few years, India and Iran have been working towards developing energy and economic cooperation. India is among Asia’s major importers of energy and relies on Iran to meet a portion of its energy demand.

Iranian top diplomat further described Iran and India as two major players and decision-makers in the international arena, adding that he will confer with senior Indian officials on regional and international issues.

He said discussing the latest developments concerning the nuclear talks between Iran and the sextet of world powers will also be on agenda during his visit.

Iran and the Group 5+1 (the US, Russia, France, Britain and China plus Germany) wrapped up the latest round of negotiations in the Austrian capital of Vienna last Thursday.

The next round of talks between the two sides, aimed at reaching a comprehensive deal on Tehran’s peaceful nuclear program, will be held from March 17 to 20 in Vienna.