FM: Iran, India Resolved to Boost Ties Regardless of Outside Pressures

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Tehran and New Delhi are both determined to consolidate all-out ties despite the outside political pressures and obstacles put by the foreign meddlers, Iran’s foreign minister underlined.

“In spite of the existing obstacles and challenges as well as the political attempts in order to limit Iran-India relations, the two countries’ determination to reduce the effect of (foreign) obstructionism has overcome the influence of meddlers,” Mohammad Javad Zarif said, addressing India’s Observer Research Foundation (ORF) in New Delhi on Thursday.

Zarif also pointed to the commonalities that have strengthened bonds between Iran and India throughout the history, and added, “Peace-seeking, non-alignment with the East or the West and the anti-colonialism (nature) of Iran and India have always had a strengthening role in the two countries’ abundant commonalities and friendly cooperation.”

The Iranian top diplomat further called for the expansion of mutual cooperation between Tehran and New Delhi, expressing the hope the near future would mark a big rise in the bilateral relations.

Zarif, who is on a two-day official visit to India, arrived at New Delhi’s Indira Gandhi International Airport earlier on Thursday.

He had announced earlier that his visit to India aimed to boost ties between the two major Asian countries, saying Iran attaches great importance to its relations with India.

In past few years, India and Iran have been working towards developing energy and economic cooperation. India is among Asia’s major importers of energy and relies on Iran to meet a portion of its energy demand.