Zarif Dismisses Alleged Seizure of Iranian Arms Shipment as “Failed Lies”

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif denied Israeli claims about capturing an arms shipment from Iran to Gaza, and described them as “failed lies”.

“An Iranian ship carrying arms for Gaza. Captured just in time for annual AIPAC anti Iran campaign. Amazing Coincidence! Or same failed lies,” Zarif said in a message posted on his Twitter account on Thursday.

Zionist media on Wednesday claimed that Israeli naval forces had raided a ship in the Red Sea and captured a shipment of advanced rockets from Iran destined to Gaza.

The ship, Israeli officials claimed, was making its way up the Red Sea to Port Sudan when it was intercepted.

Earlier, Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister for Arab and African Affairs Hossein Amir Abdollahian had described Tel Aviv’s allegations as baseless and false. 

Palestinian Islamic movement Hamas also rejected the Zionist claim. Hamas Interior Ministry regarded it as a dangerous move whose aim was to justify the seven-year siege imposed on the Gaza Strip.