Croatian MP Stresses Iran's Key Role in Region

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - A senior Croatian legislator referred to Iran as a heavyweight of the Middle East region, stressing that regional crises would not be resolved unless Tehran’s significant role is taken into account.

Chairperson of the Croatian Parliament Foreign Policy Committee Milorad Pupovac, who is in Tehran for an official visit, said on Monday that Iran’s prominent role in the settlement of the problems that have gripped the Middle East cannot be ignored.

The visiting Croatian lawmaker made the remarks in a meeting with Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister for American and European Affairs Majid Takht Ravanchi.

Iran is accounted a heavyweight of the region, Pupovac said.

He also touched on the cultural commonalities and the age-old amicable relations between Tehran and Zagreb, and expressed the Croatian legislature’s willingness to enhance ties with Iran on the parliamentary, economic and scientific grounds.

Pupovac further voiced his country’s support for the course of nuclear talks between Iran and the Group 5+1 (Russia, China, the US, Britain, France and Germany) over Tehran’s peaceful nuclear program, and expressed optimism about the future of the talks.

The Iranian diplomat, for his part, supported the idea of stronger parliamentary ties between Tehran and Zagreb, saying it would facilitate the enhancement of relations at a higher level.

Takht Ravanchi also noted that Iran has entered the nuclear talks with the six major world powers with goodwill, but at the same time underlined that the Iranian nation’s rights would never be relinquished.

On November 24, 2013, Iran and the Group 5+1 (also known as P5+1 or E3+3) signed an interim deal on Tehran’s nuclear case, which stipulates that over the course of six months, the parties will draw up a comprehensive nuclear deal which will lead to a lifting of the whole sanctions on Iran.

The two sides are set to hold a fresh round of negotiations on Tehran’s peaceful nuclear program in the Austrian capital of Vienna within the next few days.

Iranian officials have on different occasions announced that a final settlement of the West’s standoff on Tehran’s nuclear case would be possible, provided that foreign countries show goodwill.