Hezbollah Official: Plots Underway to Occupy Syria

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - The Lebanese Hezbollah Resistance Movement’s second-in-command, Sheikh Naim Qassem, warned against the plot masterminded by the international players to destroy Syria and make it part of the Zionist regime of Israel.

“The international decision on Syria is to destroy that country, and they want to make Syria dependent on the US. This was their plot from the outset (of Syria crisis)," Qassem said in an address to the international conference on the “Role of the Islamic World on the Global Power Structure”, in Tehran on Tuesday.

"They (westerners) want to turn Syria into a part of the Zionist regime,” he added.

The Lebanese high-profile figure also underscored the need for a political solution to the prolonged crisis in Syria, and said, “The solution that should be sought merely by the Syrian nation is a political one.”

The international conference on the Role of the Islamic World on the Global Power Structure kicked off in the Iranian capital on Tuesday morning.

The two-day conference is held under the auspices of Iran’s Supreme National Defense University, the Islamic Awakening Assembly secretariat and the Strategic Research Center of Iran's Expediency Council.

Dozens of leading figures and influential personalities in the Muslim world have taken part in the gathering.