Iranian Navy to Send 30th Flotilla on African Mission

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Iran’s Navy plans to deploy its 30th fleet of warships to Africa in the next Iranian year (to start on March 21), a Navy commander announced.

Iranian Navy Commander Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari announced on Tuesday that the country’s 30th naval fleet is planned to be deployed to Africa next Iranian year in order to voyage around that continent.

He made the comments during a visit to an exhibition in Iran’s northern port city of Nowshahr, held to put the latest achievements of the country’s naval forces on display.

The commander noted that such missions are part of a broader plan to increase the presence of Iranian naval forces in the international waters, both on board ships and submarines.

Sayyari further unveiled plans for a joint rescue and relief naval drill in cooperation with the Omani navy in the coming Iranian year.

The upcoming joint exercise will be held on April 7, the commander noted, adding that it will extend over three days.

The Islamic Republic of Iran and the Sultanate of Oman have already staged a number of other joint maritime drills in the past to raise the level of preparedness to handle a range of naval events.