Supporters of Egyptian Ousted President to Face Mass Trial

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - More than 1,200 supporters of Egypt's ousted president Mohamed Mursi face charges in the country's biggest trial since an August police crackdown, judicial sources said.

Among the defendants in Saturday's trial, to be held in Minya south of Cairo, will be the spiritual leader of Mursi's now-banned Muslim Brotherhood, Mohamed Badie, the sources said.

Some websites close to the Brotherhood reported that the trial would be held in six separate courts in Minya over six days, with some defendants expected to be tried in absentia, AFP reported.

The alleged attacks on individuals and public property are said to have taken place in southern Egypt in August, after security forces broke up two Cairo protest camps set up by Mursi supporters.

The defendants are also charged with committing acts of violence that led to the deaths of two policemen in Minya, the sources said.

Mursi is himself currently on trial in three different cases, including one for inciting the killing of protesters outside the presidential palace during his presidency.

The mass trial is part of a crackdown by Egypt's military-installed authorities targeting Mursi's supporters who remain steadfast in demanding his reinstatement.

On Thursday, an Egyptian court sentenced 17 people to 14 years in jail each on charges including assault and occupying public buildings during protests at Cairo's Al-Azhar University last year.

Mursi, Egypt's first elected and civilian president, was removed by the army last July. His ouster triggered widespread unrest across the deeply polarised country.