Missing Plane Hunt: Three More Objects Spotted

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Three more objects have been spotted in the hunt for the missing Malaysia Airlines plane which vanished three weeks ago.

A Chinese aircraft scouring the ocean off Australia's west coast has seen white, red and orange objects, the official Xinhua news agency reported.

The Ilyushin IL-76 was the first plane back from the search zone, and a patrol vessel sent from the country, Haixun 01, has also been scouring an area of the Indian Ocean 1,050 miles west of Perth since first light.

The find is the latest in a string of sightings of possible debris from flight MH370, which disappeared less than an hour into a flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing with 239 people on board.

On Friday, objects of various shapes, sizes and colors were spotted by a fleet of aircraft which flew over the area.

Malaysia's acting transport minister said there was no new information on the objects.

"I've got to wait to get the reports on whether they have retrieved those objects ... Those will give us some indication," said Hishamuddin Hussein, who was speaking after meeting relatives of passengers on the plane.