Russian FM Calls on Kiev, Washington not to Ignore Interests of Ukraine Regions

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Russia is ready for negotiations with the US, EU and Ukraine, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said, adding that the talks may start in 10 days.

Southeastern Ukrainian regions should also take part in the negotiations, Lavrov said.

"The Kiev coup-appointed government hasn’t made any positive steps towards these regions,” he added. “(The southeastern regions) believe that their interest are being ignored by Kiev.”

Neither Kiev nor Washington has shown the proposed draft Ukrainian constitution to Moscow, Lavrov was quoted as saying by RT.

While accusing “external forces” of provoking the protests in southeastern Ukraine, Washington is just throwing the blame onto others, he added.

“I heard the statements by Jay Carney, White House Press Secretary, who said that some demonstrations in southern Ukraine are paid for and there are certain 'external forces' which stand behind these protests. It sounds as if he is five months ago and describing the events in Maidan Square in the center of Kiev,” Lavrov said.

Lavrov expressed concern that Ukraine’s new draft constitution would be presented shortly before the summit of Russia, Ukraine, the US and the EU and it would be imposed without time to study the document. He urged Washington and Kiev to take into consideration the interests of all regions in Ukraine, as was agreed during recent talks with US Secretary of State John Kerry.