Second Day of Iran-Sextet N. Talks Kicks Off in Vienna

VIENNA (Tasnim) - Talks between delegations representing Iran and the Group 5+1 (Russia, China, the US, Britain, France and Germany) entered the second day in a row in Vienna as the negotiating parties try to reach a final agreement on Tehran’s peaceful nuclear program.

The fresh round of talks between Iran and the six world powers (also known as P5+1 or E3+3) has begun here in the Austrian capital on Tuesday morning.

The negotiations, which are aimed at resolving the West’s standoff over Iran’s nuclear program, commenced Tuesday with a plenary session, presided over by Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, who leads the team of Iranian negotiators, and by the European Union foreign policy chief, Catherine Ashton, who represents the six world powers.

The two sides concluded the first day of negotiations on Tuesday with two consecutive sessions at the level of deputies.

The deputy-level meetings, the most recent of which is now in progress, are chaired by Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister for Legal and International Affairs Seyed Abbas Araqchi and European Union Deputy Secretary General for the External Action Service Helga Maria Schmid.

As regards the results of the first day of talks, Araqchi told reporters on Tuesday that the parties have held fruitful and quite serious discussions.

“The discussions we held today were fruitful, and appropriate in some parts. The discussions are completely serious, having its typical complications,” he stated on Tuesday.

Araqchi also underlined that the two sides are engaged in inclusive discussions “in order to narrow the divisions and get prepared for the next round of negotiations.”

On Wednesday, he noted, we will discuss the topics in general, and in the next round of talks --slated for May-- we will work them out in detail.

He added that the negotiating parties will attend a “joint commission at the level of deputies” at the conclusion of the talks on Wednesday evening in a bid to “review the implementation of the Geneva deal”.