Iranian Navy Starts Manufacturing Training Destroyer

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Iranian Navy started to manufacture an indigenous destroyer for training purposes, dubbed ‘the Persian Gulf’, a top Navy commander announced.

Iranian Navy Commander Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari announced on Friday that his forces have embarked on implementing “one of the biggest projects” of the Navy to manufacture the Persian Gulf destroyer for training purposes.

He made the comments on the sidelines of massive military parades to mark Iran’s National Army Day.

The new project on the production of the home-made training destroyer follows other plans in the Navy for the development of its military equipment.

Earlier in February, Rear Admiral Sayyari has announced that his forces are working on three new destroyers, noting that they are the upgraded versions of Jamaran-class warships.

The new destroyers known as Jamaran-3, 4 and 5 are being manufactured by the Iranian experts, and will be unveiled respectively in the future, Sayyari told reporters at the time.

The Iranian Navy launched its first domestically-built destroyer, Jamaran, in the waters of the Persian Gulf in February 2010.

The 1,420-ton destroyer is equipped with modern radar systems and other electronic warfare capabilities and has a top speed of up to 30 knots and a helipad.