Obama in Seoul Amid North Korea Nuclear Fears

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Barack Obama, the US president landed at a US Air Force base outside Seoul, South Korea's capital, amid growing signs that its northern neighbour is preparing for a nuclear test.

Obama is expected to offer personal condolences to his counterpart Park Geun-Hye over the country's recent ferry tragedy, but North Korea is expected to dominate the agenda.

Satellite photos taken two days ago showed additional activity at North Korea's Punggye-ri test site that is "probably related to preparations for a detonation", the US-Korea Institute at Johns Hopkins University said.

The report, cited by AFP, echoed recent warnings from South Korea that the North might be planning a test to coincide with Obama's two-day visit.

If Pyongyang presses ahead with its fourth nuclear test it would be a clear challenge to Obama's bid to cement Washington's role as a Pacific power.

The president's four-nation Asian tour began in Tokyo, where he urged China to rein in its ally, saying Beijing had a "critically important" role to play in defusing tensions on the volatile peninsula.

"North Korea has engaged in provocative actions for the last several decades," he said. "It's been an irresponsible actor on the international stage for the last several decades.

"They are the most isolated country in the world. They are subject to more international sanctions and international condemnation than any country in the world."

In an interview ahead of his arrival in Seoul, Obama warned North Korea could expect a "firm response" if it made "the mistake" of conducting another nuclear test.

Pyongyang, for its part, slammed Obama's trip earlier this week as a "dangerous" move that would escalate military tension and bring the "dark clouds of a nuclear arms race" over the Korean peninsula.

Adding to the tense mix was the news that a South Korean naval vessel had fired warning shots after two North Korean patrol boats crossed the disputed maritime border on Friday. The boats quickly retreated.

North Korea watchers have puzzled over whether the test preparations they have seen via spy satellites are real, or bravado aimed at stealing the limelight during the US president's tour.