Intelligence Forces Dismantle Terrorist Cell in Northwestern Iran

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s Intelligence Ministry announced that its forces have disbanded a terrorist cell in the northwestern province of West Azarbaijan.

In a statement on Sunday, the Intelligence Ministry said its forces in West Azarbaijan Province identified a terrorist team in the city of Mahabad and arrested three of its members following intelligence operations.

The detainees had on September 22, 2010, planted a bomb among the women and children who had gathered to watch military parades held in Mahabad to mark the Sacred Defense week in Iran.

The explosion claimed 12 lives and injured more than 40 others.

According to the Intelligence Ministry’s statement, the arrested terrorists have confessed they had been receiving training and benefitting from the financial supports provided by the global arrogance’ proxies in the region.

The terrorists have also confessed to their links to the Komala terrorist grouplet.

The Komala is an Iraqi-based terrorist organization which has carried out assassinations in western Iran since the Islamic Revolution in 1979.