Iran’s Enemies Targeting People’s Beliefs: IRGC Commander

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Commander of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps warned against attempts by the country’s enemies to undermine people’s beliefs.

 “Today’s wars… are over opinions,” Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari said on Saturday, adding “the enemies are making investments on changing people’s beliefs in a bid to gain (control) over the Islamic Republic of Iran’s Establishment.”

He underscored that the participation of popular forces and a national resolve are key to the victory in the ideological war with the adversaries of the Islamic Republic.

The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution has also frequently warned against the enemies’ onslaughts against the Iranian people’s beliefs, culture and values.

Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei in a recent meeting with senior officials urged for vigilance in the face of hostile moves by enemies of Iran that aim to damage the country’s cultural values.

Iranian officials have in recent years stepped up efforts to counter the wave of cultural onslaught by the western countries.

Earlier this year, Iran launched a base to fight against soft war by hostile powers.

The base is tasked with policy making in the state and military affairs to counter the soft war (tactics) of the enemies of the Islamic Republic in a concerted manner.

Soft war is a term used by Iranian officials to refer to the cultural invasion and soft intelligence tactics used by foreign countries deemed hostile toward Iran.